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"Science Fiction" means—to us—everything found in the science fiction section of a bookstore, or at a science fiction convention, or amongst the winners of the Hugo awards given by the World Science Fiction Society. This includes the genres of science fiction (or sci-fi), fantasy, slipstream, alternative history, and even stories with lighter speculative elements. We hope you enjoy the broad range that SF has to offer.

Press Release
August 1st, 2014



Daily Science Fiction Stories for August 2014.

Earth — August 1, 2014 — We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for August. The dates show the day the story will be delivered by email to subscribers and will appear live on the web at dailysciencefiction.com. So goes our final month of year four of publication.

August 1 "Scents of Life" by Robert Lowell Russell

August 4 "Readymade" by Shannon Fay

August 5 "The Love Letter" by Brynn MacNab

August 6 "A Note to Parents Regarding the Beginning and End of Time Diorama Presentations for Ms. Miller's Third Grade Class" by Rebecca Schwarz

August 7 "Ghosts of Mars" by Edoardo Albert

August 8 "1:40 A.M." by Eliza Victoria

August 11 "Cover Letter" by Dani Atkinson

August 12 "Do Not Count the Withered Ones" by Caroline M. Yoachim

August 13 "Sugar and Spice" by Melissa Mead

August 14 "Switch" by Jonathan L. Miller

August 15 "The Story Will Win a Hugo" by James Van Pelt

August 18 "Departure Gate 34B" by Kary English

August 19 "The Turn" by Tara Isabella Burton

August 20 "Time is Money" by John D. Sperry

August 21 "Futures Market" by Mitchell Edgeworth

August 22 "Care and Feeding" by Tim Pratt

August 25 "Dancing" by M. E. Garber

August 26 "The Middle Ones" by J. Spear

August 27 "Changing the Past" by Barton Paul Levenson

August 28 "Good Kids" by Shannon Peavey

August 29 "Cattail Heart" by Kate Heartfield

For more information: http://www.dailysciencefiction.com

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