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Just Another Day

Shannon Fay is a Clarion West graduate and writer living in Nova Scotia. She has written tons of short stories, and is currently working on a historical fantasy novel. She can be found online at ayearonsaturn.com and @shannonlfay.

Just five more minutes, Lani thought, her eyes closed tight even as the pre-dawn mist traced her cheek. As soon as she opened her eyes the day would begin. The mists would consolidate into matter from which life might emerge. It made for an interesting morning: Lani always giggled as she watched the single-cell organisms flip-flop their way into more complex states of being. The universe was always so cute at that age.
Her favorite part of the day was right after lunch, when there was a flourishing of biodiversity and activity. But then came the decline. Suns burning out, planets dying, whole branches of evolution being cut off. Sometimes Lani didn't bother to watch and took a nap instead.
Occasionally some clusters of life would survive the decline, but usually in the evenings Lani was left to contemplate the shifting of rocks and minerals.
The days all ended the same: a beautiful flash of blinding heat. Then the darkness set in, along with cold. The mists formed as Lani drifted off to sleep.
Some days, the morning's primordial ooze failed to produce life at all. Lani didn't mind. A quiet day was nice now and then.
But nothing at all would happen until she opened her eyes. She had slept in long enough. Lani took a deep breath, ready to start a new day.
The End
This story was first published on Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
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