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Not just rockets & robots...
"Science Fiction" means—to us—everything found in the science fiction section of a bookstore, or at a science fiction convention, or amongst the winners of the Hugo awards given by the World Science Fiction Society. This includes the genres of science fiction (or sci-fi), fantasy, slipstream, alternative history, and even stories with lighter speculative elements. We hope you enjoy the broad range that SF has to offer.

About Us

Founders, Publishers, Editors: Michele-Lee Barasso and Jonathan Laden. Reach us via the "send feedback" tab on the bottom of this site.

Proofing and More Editors (these fine editors are doing more than proofreading):

Elektra Hammond: Elektra Hammond emulates her multi-sided idol Buckaroo Banzai by going in several directions at once. She's been involved in the copyediting and proofreading end of publishing since the 1990s for presses small and large and nowadays concocts anthologies, is an editor and reviewer at buzzymag.com, reviews books for the TICA Trend, and is acquisitions editor for the Dark Quest Books imprint Sparkito Press. Her steampunk story "AThe Case of the Duchess=s Dog@" appears in the anthology In An Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk. Elektra lives in Delaware with her husband, Mike, and the cat herd of BlueBlaze/Benegesserit catteries. When not freelancing or appearing at science fiction conventions she travels the world judging cat shows. Find Elektra's website at http://www.untilmidnight.com.

Sarah Overall: Sarah Overall is the head of the editorial department at UysFaber, a Toronto-based indie comics publisher. Since UysFaber is quite a small company, this means that she is the editorial department. She's never been a department before, and rather likes it. When she isn't beating errant commas and hyphens into submission, Sarah spends her time reading, gaming, and embroidering TARDISes.

Brian White: Brian White is the editor of Fireside Magazine, a multigenre fiction and comics magazine. His day job--well, it’s actually a night job--is on a newspaper copy desk. He lives near Boston with his wife, who is a theatrical lighting technician, and their two cats. You can find him online at his blog, Talk Wordy to Me, at talkwordy.com.

First Readers:

These dedicated folks have given their time, their discernment, and their talents to helping insure Daily Science Fiction has the best possible stories to share with you: Gerry M. Allen, Mary DeSantis, Christopher T. Garry, Jennifer Harwood-Smith, Kelly Horn, Kalisa Ann Lessnau, Emma Munro, Shannah McGill, E. Munro, Carolyn O'Conner, Adam Shaftoe, Karissa Sluss, Steve Voelker, Karlo J. Yeager-Rodriguez.