You Can Summon the Ancient One for Fifteen Dollars
by Anya Ow
As the circus packed up for the night, Elo bought T'kaarmarekch a drink. They sat near her trailer with cans of cold beer and listened wistfully to the lack of elephants.
"I know it was cruel to keep elephants in a circus," T'kaarmarekch signed, their many-petaled mouth rippling along with the movement of their jointed palms, "but I miss them."
Elo had been there when the animal rights people had come for the elephants. Seen the shackles cut away, nestled for so long against the elephants' legs that skin and flesh were growing over them. "They're happier where they are now."
"They reminded me of the savardii. Big dreams. Big thoughts. More than capable of killing you if you're not careful and disrespect them."
"Savardii fart burning sulfur." That was the main reason why Elo had switched away from using them in her booth. Impressive as a multi-headed daemonic centipede looked, replacing tents every month or so was a pain in the wallet.
"Nobody holds that against them." T'kaarmarekch drained their can in a jerk, flattened the metal into a thin sheet, and started to fold it into a flower. Elo shifted warily. T'kaarmarekch only folded flowers when they were in a weird mood. "Jrrkrr sent their regards."
"How's their clutch going?"
"Fine. They ate a few of their eggs yesterday when they were in a Mood, but it's all over now. They're getting counseling."
Elo pulled a face. "Shit. I'll buy a pack of halloumi tomorrow for you to bring over. That'll cheer them up. You guys get counseling in the Abyss?"
"Only on the fourth circle, but Jrrkrr got a day pass because of the circumstances." T'kaarmarekch looked wistful. "I could do with one myself."
"What's wrong?" T'kaarmarekch had looked like they were a little down recently, but Elo had put it up to the icy weather playing hog on their tail whips.
"It's just... all this." T'kaarmarekch waved one jointed mandible at the stall. "The last punter thought I was a man in a rubber suit. 'Really great costume! Awesome!'" It spat to a side. The viscous glob started hissing as it melted into the grass.
"Seriously, a 'man'? Gender is a mortal concept."
"It was just one guy. Everyone else was very impressed," Elo said soothingly. "Have another beer."