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Four Score and Seven Years of the End of America: A Bibliography

* Harry Truman: We Dropped the Bomb, by Nathaniel P. Perkins, 1953.
* I Like Ike: We Lead in War and Peace, by L. Christian Berrios, 1961.
* The Patterson-Gimlin Film: Is Bigfoot Real?, by Roger Roberts, 1967.
* Jack Takes Us to the Moon: The Apex of America, by Johnson Lemansky, 1969.
* America Slips in the Mud of Vietnam, by William F. Cartwright, 1970.
* Tricky Dicky: Statesman, Scoundrel, and the Southern Strategy that Split America, by Abraham O. Washington, 1975.
* Mr. Ford Pardons the Bad Guy, by J.J. Williams, 1978.
* A Peanut Farmer Scolds America [But He Was Right], by Joseph M. Wilkerson, 1980.
* The Teflon Trickle-Down President, by Dixie Mae Smith, 1990.
* Poppy Bush Takes Iraq, or Maybe Not, by Rutherford Hussein, 1993.
* Slick Willie: Presidents are Only Human, by Anonymous, 2001.
* I Sold Them the Bigfoot Costume, by Philip Morris, 2002.
* My Feet Aren't Big!, by Sasquatch, 2003.
* A Brief Outing in the Middle East: Bushed with Bushes, by the Harvard Lampoon, 2009.
* No Drama Obama: The Last and Final Hope, by Jill Featherfield, 2017.
* The Donald Tweets Tonight: How Dad Made America Great, by Ivanka Trump, 2025.
* Amtrak Joe: Even He Can't Stop the Train Wreck of America, by Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, 2026.
* Freefall of a Nation, by the Editorial Staffs of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times, 2027.
* No More Hope, by Barack Obama, 2028.
* Bigfoot and Me: An Unrequited Love Story, by Donald Trump, Jr, 2029.
* The China-Russia Pact of Steel: The Conquest of America, by Wang Yi & Sergey Lavrov, 2030.
* World War III: The Dragon vs. the Bear, by General Lloyd Austin, 2031.
* Stalemate: You Still Can't Win a Land War in Asia, by General Mark A Milley, 2034 [manuscript smuggled out of Russian Gulag].
* They Dropped the Bomb: A World in Ashes, by Sasha Obama, 2035.
* The Return of Sasquatch: Radiation Awakens the Beast, by Tucker Carlson, 2036.
* Geronimo Gets America Back: Sorry About the Damage, by Scooter Joe, 2038.
* Survivor's Guide to Surviving the American Wilderness, by Chief Wild Eagle, 2040.
The End
This story was first published on Thursday, June 9th, 2022
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