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Candice R. Lisle is a new fantasy and science fiction writer who lives in St. Louis, Missouri. Candice was raised on science fiction by her father, and bedtime fairy tales by her mother. She is a member of Wulf Moon's Super Secrets Workshop. This story was a result of one of the exercises he teaches called "Kill Your Darlings."

"I am Kell. I am ready for my tour," the alien said. "Show me the bounty of Earth.:"
Jeanette, his tour guide, thought that Kell looked like a swamp monster, but he seemed nice.
The fish market in China Town was loud, bustling, and smelly. Immediately a merchant appeared and pushed a live sea urchin into Kell's webbed hand.
"Delicious," Kell said. "I must bring some back home with me."
Waving goodbye to Kell as he boarded his spaceship loaded down with a bag of sea urchins, Jeanette mused that this was just the beginning of the invasion of Earth.
The End
This story was first published on Thursday, January 13th, 2022

Author Comments

Living in St. Louis, I enjoy picnicking on the lawn under the arch and watching tourists who have come from all over the world. I wondered what would happen if Earth became a hot tourist destination for visitors from other planets? This story is the result.

- Candice R. Lisle
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