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An Urgent Letter to the Editorial Staff!

Eric S. Fomley's publications include Galaxy's Edge, Daily Science Fiction, and The Black Library, among other places. You can read more of his work for free from his website ericfomley.com and follow him on Twitter @PrinceGrimdark.

Dear Editor(s),
Please find attached my 16,345-word document "Adapting to Dothranji Occupation: The Cultural, Societal, and Political Ramifications of Dothranji Rule" for consideration in your Science Fiction Magazine.
Upon studying your culture, we recognize that humanity hasn't yet interacted with other species in the galaxy and have determined readers of what you call "science fiction" to be the best method for announcing the approach of our fleet. We hope you will handle this with the utmost urgency and respect.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Paldib, Prime Ambassador of Interplanetary Relations to the Dothranji Empire
[Attachment Unavailable]
The End
This story was first published on Tuesday, February 18th, 2020

Author Comments

Editors beware: You really never know what can show up in that slush pile.

- Eric S. Fomley
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