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Ken's four collections of brief fictions and four collections of poetry can be found at Amazon and most online booksellers. He spent 33 years in information system management, is married to a world record holding female power lifter, and has a family of several cats and betta fish. Individual works have appeared in Cafe Irreal, Analog, Danse Macabre, The Cincinnati Review, and several hundred other places. kpoyner.com.

You have to pay extra to ensure you have all of the Nanurian's attention. They say that once you have put out the additional cash and she physically zeros out any other trans-dimensional connections, the focused passion is almost bone crushing. But, since you exist in only this dimension, and she can project into dozens of dimensions at once, do you really defensibly know that you are renting the full force of her being? She curls on the suspended couch and smirks. Maybe she simply cruises at half speed early on as a sucker-sell, advertising a higher priced performance for later. Maybe she is doing this performance simultaneously in four or eight or sixteen dimensions, dragging--all at one time like a bag of abandoned kittens --half a dozen customers to bridled or unbridled ecstasy. You can wonder about it, but not for long. When her dorsal ridge slips boxing blue and her cross nano-cilia begin to wantonly whisper, her mere touch--at the premium price--no matter how it was ultimately justified, no matter whether all of her is collapsed to only you or shared with a dozen cross-dimension untallied crewmen--sends you waning in and out of furiously blind bliss and personless pleasure. If you have been fooled, you will count the days until you can afford to be fooled again. This is not so alien as you were told it would be. Look, you did not know she could do that with an access port. And you wonder how many other clients hidden in multi-dimensional physics are thinking the same thing. Then, ecstatically, you stop wondering.
The End
This story was first published on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Author Comments

As our understanding of different life forms expands, opportunities expand. Being enriched by those opportunities may exceed our abilities to understand those opportunities.

- Ken Poyner
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