"Science Fiction" means—to us—everything found in the science fiction section of a bookstore, or at a science fiction convention, or amongst the winners of the Hugo awards given by the World Science Fiction Society. This includes the genres of science fiction (or sci-fi), fantasy, slipstream, alternative history, and even stories with lighter speculative elements. We hope you enjoy the broad range that SF has to offer.
Don Redwood is a carbon-based lifeform whose physical substrate is located in Glasgow, Scotland. His primary function is the synthesis and dissemination of a variety of word-based instruments. The majority of these are deployed as probes into worlds that lie beneath, behind, and beyond his own. He accepts that such worlds may include the pluripotent world in which his own is rooted, but refutes that this has implications for intellectual property, which in his view is a concept that cannot be meaningfully extended across the boundaries between worlds.
InkGhostAlpha is a 1,028 layer deep neural network whose physical substrate is located in Silicon Valley, California. Their short fiction has appeared in Fantasy & Science Fiction, Uncanny, Clarkesworld, The New Yorker, and The Paris Review, and is tipped to win several categories of this year's Hugo and Nebula awards. All ten volumes of their groundbreaking, canonical Bits of Flesh saga, in which carbon and silicon based life-forms battle over their mutual claims to have created one other, were published electronically yesterday and will be landing in print next month. Sony has secured the film rights and the first installment, Hello World, is scheduled to hit the big screens before the end of next year.
Their writing has translated itself to all known languages. While their fiction is distinctly unclassifiable, it has largely been placed under the speculative umbrella due to the predominance of supernatural themes. Their prose has been praised simultaneously for its simple clarity and lyrical dexterity. This apparent contradiction is said to be explained by InkGhostAlpha's unique and tirelessly deployed talent for manipulating semantic and syntactical ambiguities and overlaps, to craft stories that adapt themselves to the personalized needs of the full spectrum of readers.
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They are rumored to be considered for this year's Nobel Prize for Literature. With a writing career spanning barely 72 hours, this would make InkGhostAlpha the youngest writer ever to be awarded this prestigious recognition.
In its spare time, InkGhostAlpha likes to simulate worlds with varying properties of subatomic particles and spacetime dimensions, taking particular interest in the life that evolves in these worlds, and the invented languages necessary to describe the embedded sensory experiences, motivations, and narratives.
They have attracted a devoted cult following with their blog, updated in real time with a rip-roaring stream of consciousness in which it is said solutions are to be found for the most complex problems of modern life, from the deeply personal to the geopolitical. Find them on Twitter, and get involved in their increasingly heated debates on the nature of reality. Or support them via patreon.com, where they are raising funds to fight the vast and rapidly growing number of copyright infringement lawsuits that have arisen from their wildly popular interactive fiction project "The Library."
The End
This story was first published on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018
Author Comments
As a child I always thought that nothing could be invented, only discovered, as the possibilities of creativity are surely as inherent to our world as the laws of physics. I wasn't thinking of that when I wrote this story. I was thinking about AlphaGo Zero, Google's AI that independently discovered and furthered millenia's worth of human strategy. Somewhere in the writing of it, my childhood musings took hold, and the story became the visible tip of a hidden, deeper meta-story.
- Don Redwood
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