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Chronology Of Heartbreak

Rich Larson was born in West Africa, has studied in Rhode Island, and at 21 now lives in Edmonton, Alberta. He was a finalist for the 2013 Dell Award and received the 2012 Rannu Prize for Writers of Speculative Fiction. In 2011 his cyberpunk novel Devolution was a finalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. His short work has since received honorable mention from Writers of the Future and appears or is forthcoming in Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, AE, Futuredaze, Isotropic Fiction and many others. His self-published spec-fic can be found at Amazon.com/author/richlarson.

Jack left the restaurant with red wine blooming through his shirt and Kristine sobbing into napkins. Tears had run tracks down her makeup and he almost, almost felt bad for her. But he'd cried just as hard eight months from now. No, harder.
Kristine couldn't understand. This mystery man who'd entered her life had understood her so well and so completely, from favorite drinks to deepest fears. She'd thought they were soul mates. She'd fallen hard. Fast. And now he was leaving.
Jack turned the corner. The professor was idling the time machine.
"Bit petty," he said.
Jack shrugged. "A bit."
The End
This story was first published on Thursday, October 10th, 2013
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