by Nick Fink
If you find these tablets, we hope that you will be able to decipher them. Unfortunately there is little chance that language as we know it will survive the sands of time. There is also a slight issue with legibility since these words are being scribed by the light of a micro laser.
In short, our race has run out of time. Generations of squandering precious resources and constant abuse of the environment has created a poisoned planet that cannot recover. Those who have not yet died from the radiation will soon perish from lack of breathable air. Even the elite will not be able to purchase their supply because we no longer have the materials to purify it. To my knowledge, our team possesses the last known reserve and it shall be used to carry out this final mission.
In our last hours we have created you a new earth small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. To your eyes this world will seem immensely large. We have enough material for several sister planets and moons and of course your very own sun. Due to time constrains we are forced to confine all the life forms we have scaled down to your own planet. That may be for the best.