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"Science Fiction" means—to us—everything found in the science fiction section of a bookstore, or at a science fiction convention, or amongst the winners of the Hugo awards given by the World Science Fiction Society. This includes the genres of science fiction (or sci-fi), fantasy, slipstream, alternative history, and even stories with lighter speculative elements. We hope you enjoy the broad range that SF has to offer.

Press Release
January 19th, 2012



Daily Science Fiction Stories for February, 2012.

Earth — January 20, 2012 — The following stories are scheduled for email distribution in February of 2012. Each story will be posted at www.dailysciencefiction.com one week after its exclusive email distribution. The stories from February 2012 will appear in a Kindle edition available on Amazon.

The following stories are scheduled for email distribution in January of 2012. Each story will be posted at www.dailysciencefiction.com one week after its exclusive email distribution. The stories from January 2012 will appear in a Kindle edition available on Amazon.

February 1 "Worlds Like a Hundred Thousand Pearls" by Aliette de Bodard (The Numbers Quartet)

February 2 "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Monkey" by Ruth Nestvold

February 3 "Cloudburst" by Robert Reed

February 6 "Biomass" by Alexander Stanmyer

February 7 "Magic Enough" by Chuck Von Nordheim

February 8 "Angry Child" by Benjamin Rosenbaum (The Numbers Quartet)

February 9 "The Steel Throne" by Eric James Stone

February 10 "The Age of Three Stars" by Kenneth Schneyer

February 13 "The Pencil of Truth" by Shamus Maxwell

February 14 "Joey LeRath's Rocketship" by Julian Mortimer Smith

February 15 "Pulse" by Stephen Gaskell (The Numbers Quartet)

February 16 "In Her Arms of Dresden Pale" by Damien Walters Grintalis

February 17 "Nanomite" by Patricia Duffy Novak

February 20 "Digital Blues" by Greg Mellor

February 21 "The Prisoners " by Darren Latta

February 22 "Nilly" by Benjamin Rosenbaum (The Numbers Quartet)

February 23 "Saurus " by John Van Pelt

February 24 "Bus Ride To Mars" by Cat Rambo

February 27 "Storytellers" by Jen Brubacher

February 28 "The Procedure " by Lawrence Elder

February 29 "The Princess of the Perfume River" by Aliette de Bodard (The Numbers Quartet)

For more information: http://www.dailysciencefiction.com

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