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Press Release
January 1st, 2018



Daily Science Fiction Stories for January 2018.

We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for January. The dates show the day the story will be delivered by email to subscribers and will appear live on the web at dailysciencefiction.com.

January 1 "Return Policy" by Stacey Berg

January 2 "Moments" by Brandon Crilly

January 3 "Queen Doripauli and the Sproutlings" by Mary E. Lowd

January 4 "All's Quiet in the Robot Barn" by Jill Zeller

January 5 "A Villain Considers His Options" by James Beamon

January 8 "What She Deserves" by Sarah Gwendolyn White

January 9 "When the World Stopped" by Siri Paulson

January 10 "Winged Folk Only" by Mary E. Lowd

January 11 "How to Take Pictures of Alpha Centauri Children" by Bruce McAllister

January 12 "Emily Post's Guide to Alien Encounters" by Audrey R. Hollis

January 15 "The Library is Open" by Beth Cato

January 16 "Maestro" by Neal A. Cline

January 17 "Waking up in the Genie Shop" by Mary E. Lowd

January 18 "Bone White" by Patrick Sullivan

January 19 "Dances with Snoglafanians" by Aimee Ogden

January 22 "The Adjunct Professor's Alien Girlfriend" by Marge Simon

January 23 "Small Sacks of Children" by Andrew Kozma

January 24 "Go High" by Mary E. Lowd

January 25 "Lies Time Travelers Tell" by Tony Pisculli

January 26 "Child of Snow" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

January 29 "Simulacrum" by Vicki Lindem

January 30 "Sooth" by Laura Rikono

January 31 "Of Starwhals and Spaceships" by Mary E. Lowd

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