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Press Release
February 1st, 2017



Daily Science Fiction Stories for February 2017.

Earth — February 1, 2017— We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for February. The dates show the day the story will be delivered by email to subscribers and will appear live on the web at dailysciencefiction.com.

February 1 "Clickbait for Paranormals: Filipino Vamps Hate This Aswang's Dieting Tips--Find Out Why" by Sarina Dorie

February 2 "Bargain" by Karl K Gallagher

February 3 "Pennies from Heaven" by Ken Altabef

February 6 "All the Rarest Beasts on Earth" by Rachael K. Jones

February 7 "Grandma Heloise" by KT Wagner

February 8 "Dangers of Delivery" [Captain Percina Saunders] by Jez Patterson

February 9 "The First Time" by Peter A. Schaefer

February 10 "An Invasion in Seven Courses" by Rene Sears

February 13 "Razbliuto in Ink" by Wendy Nikel

February 14 "Upgrades" by Barry Charman

February 15 " Clickbait for Paranormals: Eleven Shocking Signs You May Be Troubled by Someone Eating Brains" by Sarina Dorie

February 16 "Shut Up" by Art Robinson

February 17 "The Long Wait" by Cecile Cristofari

February 20 "Race Cards" by Matt Mikalatos

February 21 "Two Lists Discovered folded in the wallet of space explorer Jorge Finnegan after the Reliant wreckage was recovered from Tau Ceti e" by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

February 22 "Mirror Mirror" by Gunnar De Winter

February 23 "Einstein's Theory of Special Relatives" by Preston Grassmann

February 24 "The View from Here" by Darragh Savage

February 27 "One of a Kind" by Maurice J. Forrester

February 28 "A Howl in the Night, Unheard" by Bridget Norquist

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