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"Science Fiction" means—to us—everything found in the science fiction section of a bookstore, or at a science fiction convention, or amongst the winners of the Hugo awards given by the World Science Fiction Society. This includes the genres of science fiction (or sci-fi), fantasy, slipstream, alternative history, and even stories with lighter speculative elements. We hope you enjoy the broad range that SF has to offer.

Press Release
June 1st, 2014



Daily Science Fiction Stories for June, 2014.

Earth — June 1, 2014 — We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for December. They will appear on the web as well as through email publication.

June 2 "Off the Map" by Liz A. Vogel

June 3 "Nine Dishes on the Cusp of Love" by Fran Wilde

June 4 "Schrodinger's Wife" by Preston Grassman

June 5 "Items Found in the Pocket of a God Who Abandoned His People"

by Andrew Kaye

June 6 "Shredded" by Robert Reed

June 9 "Strange Attractors" by S.B. Divya

June 10 "Time Monkeys and the Fullness of Glasses" by Dawn Bonanno

June 11 "Unnatural Family Planning" by Nicky Drayden [The Future of Future Planning]

June 12 "Notes on the Game in Progress, Played Almost to a Draw" by Alex Shvartsman

June 13 "Vincent's First Bass" by Eric M. Witchey

June 16 "Oceans of You" by Pam L Wallace

June 17 "Your New Voice and You" by Rene Sears

June 18 "My Avatar Has an Avatar" by Robert Bagnall

June 19 "Pieces of My Body" by Caroline M. Yoachim

June 20 "The Things They Were Not Allowed to Carry" Helena Leigh Bell

June 23 "Mephisto" by Alan Baxter

June 24 "Three Parts Shell" by Gemma Elizabeth Noon

June 25 "Investment Strategies in a Post-Apocalyptic World" by Nicky Drayden [The Future of Future Planning]

June 26 "Trial of the God Star" by Ian Rose

June 27 "English Muffin, Devotion on the Side" by Cat Rambo

June 30 "Revisions" by K. C. Norton

For more information: http://www.dailysciencefiction.com

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