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Press Release
November 1st, 2012



Daily Science Fiction Stories for November, 2012.

Earth — October 24, 2012 — We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for November. They will appear on the web one week after their email publication.

November 1 "The Tides" by Ken Liu

November 2 "Ansa and the Lost Thing" by Sophie Wereley

November 5 "Early Draft of Talking Points for the Sixth Emergency Broadcast with Editorial Suggestions by the Office’s Unpaid Interns Bob and Isabelle" by Helena Bell

November 6 "Since You Seem to Need a Certain Amount of Guidance" by Alexander Jablokov

November 7 "Old Flames" by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

November 8 "Nevermore" by Renee Carter Hall

November 9 This Place From Which All Roads Go" by Jennifer Mason-Black

November 12 "Speed of Love" by Deborah Walker

November 13 "This Is Your Problem Right Here" by David Steffen

November 14 "The Most Important Man in the Universe" by Joseph Zieja

November 15 "The Trap" by Steven Kahn

November 16 "The Dying Season" by Gwendolyn Clare

November 19 "'You're Heads,' She Says. 'You're Tails.'" by M. Bennardo

November 20 "The Key to Everything" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

November 21 "Homo Homarus" by Ellen Denham

November 22 "The Safe Road" by Caroline M. Yoachim

November 23 "A Wizard of the Roads" by Therese Arkenberg

November 26 "Shattered Amber" by Mari Ness

November 27 "The Show Must" by Matt London

November 28 "MiracleMech" by Tim Deans

November 29 "Live-Tweeting the Apocalypse" by Ian Creasey

November 30 "Under a Sky of Knives" by Michelle Muenzler

For more information: http://www.dailysciencefiction.com

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