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Press Release
February 1st, 2016



Daily Science Fiction Stories for February 2016.

We are pleased to announce our line up of stories for February. The dates show the day the story will be delivered by email to subscribers and will appear live on the web at dailysciencefiction.com.

February 1 "Make" by Kristen Koopman

February 2 "Insert Line: Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad" by Joshua P'ng

February 3 " Roseraie de l'Hay" [Tales of the Rose Knights] by Jay Lake and Ruth Nestvold

February 4 "Castles in the Clouds" by KJ Kabza

February 5 "43 Responses to 'In Memory of Dr. Alexandra Nako'" by Barbara A. Barnett

February 8 "Ten Surefire Steps to Romance for the Workaholic Commuter who Doesn't Make Time for his Social Life" by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

February 9 "Settling Beef" by James Beamon

February 10 "Final Revision" by Joseph Sidari

February 11 "Fairy Godmother Protocols" by Sarina Dorie

February 12 "Tomorrow's World" by Aimee Ogden

February 15 "The Sixth Diplomatic Expedition" by Lou J Berger

February 16 "Assumptions" by Peter Roberts

February 17 " Golden Unicorn" [Tales of the Rose Knights] by Jay Lake and Ruth Nestvold

February 18 "To Be a Hero" by Liam Hogan

February 19 "Brilliance Like Stars" by Jamie Gilman Kress

February 22 "Android One" by Richard Ankers

February 23 "Meat and Fire" by Matthew F. Amati

February 24 "You're Doing the Best You Can" by Heather Morris

February 25 "Incarnadine" by J. C. Runolfson

February 26 "The Old Blue Notebook" by Victor Fernando Rivera Ocampo

February 29 "A Cure Over Coffee" by Pontius Paiva

For more information: http://www.dailysciencefiction.com

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